Nora has sent in three new answers to past questions you visitors has sent in. Each week we will try and get a few extra questions in to catch up to date with it.
Week #22 – September 17 to September 23
Name: Heather
Question: What do you look for in a guy?
Week #23 – September 24 to September 30
Name: Roopesh
Question: Hi Molly, are you going to visit India? I am from India.
Week #24 – October 1 to October 7
Name: deltaqueen
Question: If you were to leave Minnesota for ever, where else in the States/World could you happily spend the rest of your life?
Click here for the answers.
Also, December is rolling around fast! Nora has already sent in a new photo for the December photo of the Month, so be sure to check back here on December 1st to see it! You’ll love it!