Carmie McMahon of 3XWrestling was kind enough to donate the photos of Nora at the show to! She looks AMAZING!! To see the photos, click the banner below.

Thanks Carmie!
As you see in the previous update, we added a lot of titantron caps. Well, we added two more titantrons. They are…
– Molly #4
– Molly #5
So go and check them out! :)
AnnThraxx cut a promo claiming to be the best women’s wrestler in the midwest and how she has defeated everyone from Josie to Traci Brooks. She then called Nora Greenwald a has been, this led to Nora coming down the aisle and entering the ring she surprised Thraxxy by tapping on her shoulder. Thraxx turned around to a kick to the gut and was shot into the ropes by Nora, Thraxx ducked the arm of Nora and bailed out of the ring.
Credit:3X Wrestling
Will there be a match between Ann Thraxx and Nora? We’ll have to wait and see!
Amanda was sweet enough to donate her pictures of Nora from a house show back on January 31, 2004 in Dayton, OH. Click the banner below to check the photos out!

We added a lot of caps to the gallery site!
Screen Caps
Pay Per Views
– Backlash 2003
– Molly #1
– Molly #3
– Jacqueline #2
– Jazz #2
– Trish Stratus #5
– Victoria #4
– Victoria #5 We added a fan encounter from Scott Anderson. He got his chance to meet Nora for the 2nd time! To read his encounter, go here.
Hope you all enjoy this update!