Real Name ››› Nora Kristina Greenwald-Benshoof
Date of Birth ››› September 7, 1977
Status ››› Married to Geno Benshoof
Currently Lives In ››› Wyoming, Minnesota
Height ››› 5’4″
Before She Was Famous ››› Working at Subway
Worked At ››› Minnesota Teen Challenge

Actor ››› Morgan Freeman
Actress ››› Chloe Sevigny
Movie ››› The Graduate, starring Dustin Hoffman
Book ››› The Bible
Recording artist ››› Jennifer Knapp
City to wrestle in ››› Las Vegas, Nevada
Sport beside wrestling ››› Gymnastics and football
Food ››› Italian

Also Known As ››› Molly
Previously Known As ››› Starla Saxton (WCW), Miss Madness (WCW), Mona (WCW), Lady Ophelia (WWE), Molly Holly (WWE), and Mighty Molly (WWE)
Finishing Move ››› Molly-Go-Round
Trademark Moves ››› Northern Lights Suplex, Hurrancarana, Arm Screw, Dragon Screw, Flying Cross Body, Missile Drop Kick
Trained At ››› Independent Professional Wrestling (St. Petersburg, FL), Memphis Championship Wrestling (Memphis, Tennessee). She started by watching a guy friend train and thought it would be fun to give it a go. At that point, she didn’t even know that ladies wrestled!

Nora attented Forest Lake, (Minnesota) High School, where she was a two-time captain of the High School’s gymnastics team. At age 14, she joined the American Drug-Free Power Lifting Association. Her best event is the bench-press, having lifted 160 pounds, (a State record for her age, and more than her own body weight now.) Nora’s dad was also a former power lifting champion in Minnesota.
Nora’s current car is a 1965 Blue Oldsmobile Delta 88, which has more than 400,000 miles on it! Nora has a love for old cars and is a frequent visitor at local Minnesota old car shows, and auctions when her schedule allows.

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