After I retire, I plan to…
“be a foster parent or work with the mentally handicapped.”

Before becoming a WWE Diva…
“Molly worked as a sandwich artist at Subway.”

My celebrity crush is…
“Jason Mewes, who plays Jay from “Jay & Silent Bob.” He’s just the right combination of crude, obnoxious, sweet and funny.”

My favorite holiday is…
“the Fourth of July. As a kid, in the summertime, I would head to northern Minnesota, play with my cousins and do all sorts of mischievous, fun kid stuff. I was related to so many people so it was just like one big family. And plus in Minnesota, there aren’t too many warm holidays, so people could get together, have barbecues, ride bikes and stuff.”

My favorite place to eat is…
“at Karen’s Kitchen in Plummer, Minnesota.”

The best sign I ever saw at an arena was...
“’Have a Molly Holly Christmas.’ It really put me in the holiday spirit!”

You know you’re a WWE Superstar when…
“little kids dress up like you for Halloween. About a year into being Molly Holly with the pigtails, there were a couple of people who told me they were me for Halloween – and that totally blew me away!”

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